Questions – Geoff Jenke
Wally Kempton is bass player for the band’s Even and The Meanies. He also launched Cheersquad Records in 2018, supporting Australian artists, releasing new material from acts such as The Meanies, Chris Wilson, The Rinehearts and many more. Cheersquad Records has also released older material from artists including Snout, Sandpit and The Level Spirits.
Wally has a background of working in radio stations, venues, record companies, been a booking agent, tour manager and still finds time to record and play with the bands, Even and The Meanies.
Roderick is a very busy man.
Roderick Kempton II
Wally Meanie, Wally Even, Wally with Water, Wally Walpamur, Wally Womper, the
fat kid from Hey Dad!

In less
than 50 words describe your music, your band (if applicable) and yourself:
Do I have to? I’d rather you do that…!
What was
the first record you bought with your own money and where from?
Roy Orbison 20 Golden Greats from John Robinson Music in Arndale Shopping
Centre, Croydon, Victoria. Arndale still exists, JRM does not.
60’s or 70’s Music:
Both but with a 70s lean
music are currently listening to?
60’s and 70s, Hard-Ons, T.Wilds, Cahill Kelly, Nick Batterham, Fenn
Wilson, Rinehearts, Jasmin Kaset, Los Chicos, Money For Rope, Snout, Chris
Wilson, Seasick Steve, Checkerboard Lounge, The Glory Box, The Fauves,
Bagful of Beez, Nick Craft, Wanita, Cheeky Geezers, Vacations, Immigrany
Union, Super American Eagle, The Level Spirits, Minibikes, Sandpit, Gaslight
The Best live artist/band you’ve
Lenny Kravitz
Your “In the mood for love” song;
Eww, that’s creepy and gross and nunnya beeswax
Your favourite Saturday night party record?
Frankie Goes to Hollywood – ‘Welcome to the Pleasuredome’
Your favourite Sunday morning
chill out record?
Grace Jones ‘Slave to the
Which song do
you wish you had written?
Never written a song in my life so I don’t think along those lines
Daltry once said “Rock N Roll has no future”. Do you agree with him?
As a career choice I agree, as a lifestyle and a concept I do not
Vinyl, CD or Streaming?
If you could record or play live with any artist (dead or alive),
who would it be?
Trevor Horn (The Buggles, Yes)
What is
the most useless talent you have?
None are useless, they’re all good for something
finest recorded moment?
Hasn’t happened yet
If you could open a show for any
artist/band, who would it be?
Doris Day
Stuck on
a desert island for a year and can only take three albums. What would they be?
Impossible to answer as they’d change daily so I’d need over a thousand.
Favourite all
time movie;
Royal Tenenbaums today, Top Secret last
week, City of Lost Children next week
Who would you
rather be for a day, Mick Jagger or Keith Richard?
George Michael
Best show
you have ever played in your career;
Xmas Even, Spotted Mallard, recent years, can’t remember which one, 2019
Paul McCartney or Neil Young?
Both, a strange coupling. How about together, let’s have a McCartney/Young
Who is the nicest person in Rock
n Roll at the moment?
Peter Bain-Hogg
What do you hope the next 12 months holds for you?
Something other than the shit show we’re currently experiencing. To be able to travel and play fucking gigs for fuck sake.

Even have just released their new album, Reverse Light Years. It is Even’s first album since the critically acclaimed 2018’s, Satin Returns and is a 17-track double album, available on CD and Vinyl on El Reno Records, available through Bandcamp.
Checkout Cheersquad Records
Here is a sneak peek at Even’s Cherry Afterglow:
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