Homewares giant Minimax launches in Adelaide
Cooking and Reno shows are big business. So when homewares giant Minimax opened their very first store here in Adelaide, in the upmarket Parade, Norwood last week; I knew it would be a big deal. And well, it certainly was. Obviously wanting to make a massive impact, they launched with Uber chef and celebrity Matt Moran.
Minimax is a house hold name in Melbourne, with its first flagship store opening up in Toorak. As business boomed they expanded with stores in two more prestigious suburbs; Brighton and Camberwell. I am told too, that a new store has just opened up in the City Cross Adelaide; which I can’t wait to check out.
But let’s get back to the launch! From the minute we arrived the store was a buzz. The fit out of this place is just stunning, decked out to the hilt in all the best in homewares, cookery, appliances, stationery and home décor. They even have a stunning range of fashion apparel…which I was totally not expecting. This is some true eye candy for homeware lovers. Honestly I was looking every which way, there is so much to see and buy.
But all eyes were on Matt Moran and Adelaide’s very own Callum Hann of Master Chef fame, who was there to lend a hand and considerable talents, to cook up a treat for guests.
The boys were truly entertaining and their interactions lively and fun. The banter between themselves and the crowd was a particular high note. I found Matt Moran totally fascinating. He gave us a little insight into what his working day usually consists of, and what projects he currently has on the go. He even got a little personal and mentioned that it was his dream to open an Italian restaurant one day; I know I will be keeping an eye out for that if it ever comes to fruition.
I was so engrossed in the boys conversation that I hardly took notice of the amazing food they were dishing up; Crab Linguine with Peas and Chilli; and Pan Roasted Snapper with Bonito Master Stock and Asian Greens. They make it look so simple.
A few lucky people were chosen to sample the dishes, unfortunately I missed out, but there was plenty of other food on offer on the night. The catering was top notch, provided by Callum’s own catering company Sprout. I couldn’t get enough of the spicy Moroccan chicken-skewers and juicy meat balls, these were delish!
Once official proceedings wrapped up, guests mingled and browsed around the store! I think it’s safe to say everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were more than entertained, and to top things off, all guests received a goodies bag to take home full of Minimax products! Not bad for a Tuesday night, well done Girl About Town, another quality event.
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