Zoe Coombs Marr
Adelaide Cabaret Festival
“Are you ready to laugh?” asks comedian Zoe Coombs Marr. Yes, we were and yes, we did! Coombs Marr thought she was asked to do the Adelaide Cabernet Festival though slightly disappointed she was very excited to be performing at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival. She did admit she not really a “jazzy chanteuse” but lucky for her the Space Theatre set up is with tables cabaret venue style, so wine did make an appearance.
First announcement was that she was a lesbian so having got that out the way we were in for a ride of sexual innuendo and straight jokes that were hilarious. Her Nanna gets a good run as well as her family with funny tales. She cleverly mixes her real life stories with clever comic twists. When she uses Adele’s song Someone Like You for a very stalkerish and tense stand off with a male member of the audience it was creepy and funny at the same time. Coombs Marr has great facial expression you are scared and delighted at the same time.
Coomb Marr herself admits “this is a silly show, really silly show” but her kind of silly is just too funny! Even when there’s a technical issue she can improvise and turn it into a hilarious situation. There were many funny surprises in this show and the inclusion of music helped Coombs Marr turn a comedy standup show into her own unique version of fun cabaret. With lots of laughs!
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