Hailing from a continent where the elephant and lion roam freely… In this African circus show, you will find no such beast in sight. What you will find is some seriously wild acrobatics that will leave you clapping your hands and cheering in awe.
Full of energy and fun, this troupe of a dozen or so acrobats – let’s call them afrobats – will spirit you away with their daring formations and heartpounding routines with no end of warm and charismatic showmanship throughout the show. All set to live african rhythms that will have you feeling the heart of the land that gave birth to this beguiling circus act.
Notable for its audience participation and encouragement to have fun, at the command of ringleader ‘Pappa Africa’, you are reminded why the continent is known for its big heart and wide smiles!
Daring enough to be brilliant but inclusive enough to be good family fun.. check out this entertaining act before it leaves our shores and somersaults back to its land of origin.
Words by Danielle Perkins
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