Words by Tania Jezukaitis
If you are not sure what comic acts are worth seeing at the Fringe then get along to the Best of Adelaide Fringe International Comedy Showcase in which you get 4 for the price of 1! The acts change on a nightly basis so you never know who you will heckling.
The MC and warm up act gets the crowd going at the Belgian Beer Cafe Oostende so if you sit close to the stage be prepared to be picked on in a good hearted way. It is a great venue for this type of show where you can have a meal or a beer or both and even get to relax on chesterfield’s! All four acts passed the funny test but the standout for me was Singaporean Jinx Yeo. If you can’t get to BBC then hurry up and check out his show “Abnormal Asian”.
Overall Score
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