Restless Dance Theatre is joined by Carla Lippis in the premiere of Private View for the 2024 Adelaide Festival. Restless Dance Theatre is a dance company that is inclusive, diverse and pro disability. Private view is created by award-winning director and choreographer Michelle Ryan, and invites audiences into a sneak peek of desires and experiences of love, sex, and intimacy.
The performance occurs around you, with acts linked together by Lippis, who plays a kind of ‘Fairy Love Mother’, responding, encouraging, and reacting to the performers as they emotively let you into the secrets of their experience of love through romance, curiosity, flirty playfulness, and even pain. Lippis has been described as a ‘satanic Lisa Manelli’ in her work as Mondo Psycho; however, in Private View, Lippis is anything but. Lippis is a sympathetic guide encouraging and educing the depiction of love and is the conduit for some cheeky audience interaction. The music and the vocals evoke an inner-worldly ambience to the performance, with music that captures the feeling and emotion of each scene without the need to describe it explicitly.
The performance and dance are cleverly choreographed and performed with such realness and conviction that you forget this is a performance. It feels more like a real peek into parts of someone’s life. The movement is emotive, strong, and captivating. While Private View may be a peek into lust, discovery, pain, and playfulness, the expression does not hold back and provides a real and vulnerable portrayal of the human experience.
A clever production with great use of sets and space to design elements, providing separation between acts through the commonality of the theme of the show. Careful detail provides a realistic insight into the moments of love, from books on a shelf and a Carla Lippis record, to interaction with the set be it a curtain or a changeroom or bathroom, contributing to the private settings shared with the audience.
Private View is a cheeky peek into the human experience of love not to miss.
See Private View at The Oden Theatre until Saturday, 9th March but please note that tickets only remain for the Friday night performance on March 8.
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