Following his 2022 Fringe show Incoming, Jarryd Goundrey returns to the Adelaide fringe for his 2023 show Good Lord.
Jarryd has spent the last few years as a professional comedian travelling around the Australian festival circuit whilst also spending his time between Perth and Melbourne.
Good lord was a new take on the development of Jarryd’s career as he tries to evolve a comedy show around observational comedy rather than comedic stories about life as a soldier which was prevalent in Incoming.
Much of the material in Good Lord makes you think a lot more once the show is finished, having that effect is strong, his observations are extremely clever and Jarryd will captivate audiences about what he will say next.
His stage presence is second to none and although most of his run was performed to sold out shows, this show was much smaller, but it didn’t matter, every time Jarryd performs, he treats it like he is performing to a packed out MCG.
If you’re looking for a great night out and you want to see someone who shows a strong passion for the stage and the art, Good Lord is the show for you.
Zack Syrianos
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