2018 was an unforgettable year. Thank you for joining us for more than 100 tours and well over 600 incredible shows.
We have sang our hearts out with some of the best vocalists on the planet, laughed until we cried with legendary comedians and spent some quality time with our friends and families surrounded by the charm of the theatres.
From P!NK, to Kevin Hart, Cher to Def Leppard we have shared unforgettable moments this year and can’t wait to welcome 2019 with a stellar line-up of world class acts.
We cherish the moments when we get to see the smiles on fan’s faces, the happy messages on social media, the creative outfits, the photos, the friendships formed and all the rest. That’s what it’s all about.
Together we shared all the moments…
When you close your eyes at the concert of your favourite artist, seconds before they take to the stage, you can feel the ground thumping, lights dimming, people screaming, crying, singing and laughing. The anticipation is high and so are your spirits.
In the background you can hear the riff of the first song, you know it, you’re a super-fan after all. Then the house bursts into a spectacle – lights are up and you’re in amongst the action. People are singing, dancing and cheering on the superstar before you. You sing each word in unison with perfect strangers and are binded in a mutual friendship with other fans. Song after song, until the last word.
For a short time, we all have something in common, the concert, that we will keep forever in our hearts.
You think to yourself about how wonderful it would be if these moments could last forever.
We look forward to seeing you all next year for Post Malone, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Download Festival, and many, many more fabulous acts.
Happy holidays and see you in the New Year!
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