Written By Sarah List
I had no idea what to expect for my first live show on the internet, but this was a pretty amazing introduction.
The concept lies somewhere between the infamous early 2000’s Burger King ‘Subservient Chicken’ were visitors could ask the human in a chicken suit to perform stunts, and the more recent phenomenon of celebrities reading mean or thirsty tweets – except here the audience anonymously writes the script for both the dialogue and the action live as part of the show.
#txt is Brian Feldman’s character who cuts a lonely figure at a table accompanied only by his phone and a mug. Screen manager Genny drives the session and gives the instructions at first to get the process initiated. What starts a little awkwardly with participants being a little unsure of what to write (and what he will actually say or perform), quickly there becomes running jokes (that seemed to translate well across borders) mixed with ongoing talking points, all eclectically performed as almost a stream of consciousness by Feldman’s character. There’s quite an obsession with his (sexy) mug, and he delivered a large part of the session sans socks and shirt, and wooing us with flashes of ankle and handstands.
The show is rated for adults – and I imagine it could get quite beyond cheeky depending on the mix of participants, the time of day/night and beverage types consumed. No two shows are the same, and will be VERY different depending on who tunes in and how far the group attempts to push #txt’s actions and dialogue. It was pretty cool to have people from all over the world tuning in at the same time, using #txt as a conduit for connecting about what was happening in their part of the world, and the things they were missing.
An entertaining way to spend an evening with a bunch of (strange) strangers.
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