Album Review – COLDPLAY – Kaleidoscope (Roadrunner Records)
Review by Tony Polese
Coldplay have released an E.P. that is meant to be a companion disc to their last album, 2015’s, A Head Full of Dreams. Millions of people around the world are going “Yeah”, a new Coldplay release, while millions of other people are going “Yawn”. There is no doubting the popularity of Coldplay as they continue to sell millions of albums and sell out stadiums around the world.
The E.P. opens with All I Can Think About Is You which at first sounds a bit like Radiohead, before falling into the typical sound of Coldplay. Miracles (Someone Special) is nothing groundbreaking and just a song that could appear on any Coldplay album.
ALIENS was co-written and produced by Brian Eno, who bought out the best in bands like U2. It is the strongest song on the album. Maybe they should use him more often.
Something Just Like This originally had a collaboration with the duo, The Chainsmokers. This version is Coldplay live in Tokyo, complete with audience sing along.
The final track is Hypnotised and brings the E.P. to a soothing (yawn?) end with Chris Martin singing around a piano loop.
Confession Time! You have probably guessed by now I am not a Coldplay fan. I saw them once at a Big Day Out when they had just released their first album. They played about 2.30 in the afternoon and I thought they were the most boring band I had ever seen. However nothing I say matters. This will sell millions. Maybe the rest of the world is right and I am wrong.
There is nothing new here. It’s Coldplay and you know how Coldplay sound. That is how this E.P. sounds.
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