Words by Tania Jezukaitis
This is one of four “softmachine” documentary asian dance performances by director Choy Ka Fai. This piece is based on Indonesian dancer/choreographer Rianto. He specialises in the classical Javanese erotic dance of Lengger mastering both gender roles.
In following Rianto’s transition from village to urban Japanese life, we see the evolution in his performance from traditional rural beginnings with clearly defined gender stereotyping, to contemporary dance where these lines disappear. This also mirrors the transitions in his personal development which are blended in the narrative with powerful effect. We see the various layers progressively discarded, both figuratively and metaphorically, until he is able to fully reveal and express himself.
Lighting designer, Andy Lim deserves a special mention for the outstanding visual effects in the closing dance sequence.
Recommended viewing and hopefully the other three documentaries eventually make their way to Adelaide.
Rianto’ s physical performance is mesmerising to watch from the subtle feminine nuances, to the seamless leap into demonstrating his sheer masculine strength and power.
Overall Score
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