Palace Nova Cinemas
Advance screenings 11,12,13 February 2022.
Season commences at Palace Nova 17 February 2022

`Review by Geoff Jenke
Bosnia, July 11th 1995. Aida (Jasna Djuricic) is a translator for the United Nations in the small town of Srebrenica. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp.
As an insider to the negotiations Aida has access to crucial information that she needs to interpret. What is at the horizon for her family and people – rescue or death? Which move should she take?
The movie is inspired by true events and writer/director Jasmila Zbanic’s Oscar-nominated thriller follows the refugees whilst pandemonium and escalating conflict rages around them. Jasmia “I always thought someone must make a film about what happened there, but I never thought it should be me. Yet the story always haunted me. I read everything I could about Srebrenica and only after four films did I feel ready to do this one – knowing there would be many obstacles.”

The movie follows Aida and her attempts to help her people and more importantly her family while in a United Nations Army camp. But there is hopelessness all around her. While the U.N Army people are trying their best to help the people, and they honestly think they can, words are falling on deaf ears back in headquarters. While the real story is behind Aida’s own personal story, it is the real story that is being powerfully told.
As the movie journeys through the travesties and horrors of war, perhaps the end scene suggests there maybe a hint of optimism for the future. But perhaps one that the people had been through before.
Director Jasmila Zbanic “Narratives of wars are usually wrapped in decorations of freedom, democracy and justice so we don’t notice the truth behind the narrative nor its inherent banality. We need narratives which show us what is hid den, to show stories from other perspectives.”
Quo Vadis translates to “where are we going?”.
Quo Vadis, Aida? Is a grim, harrowing film that is not easy to watch.
But it is a film that must be seen.
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