If Only explores the complexities of divorce and the effects on the family through the eyes of an 8 year old girl. Alma played by Oro De Commarque is a young child with a wild imagination and heart full of hope. Her parents split up when she was 1 and she has no memories of them as a family. Alma yearns, hopes and dreams of one day of her parents getting back together.
Born in Italy but living in Paris, Alma and her two brothers Seb played by Milo Roussel and Jean played by Ettore Giustiniani have now converted to Orthodoxy which is the religion of their mother’s new partner and plays a big part in their lives. The children are sent back to Italy to spend Christmas holidays with their father Carlos played by Riccardo Scamarcio who has promised to take them on a ski trip. Carlos’ has been an absent father since the family separation and is not financially stable as well as lacking responsibility when it comes to his obligations. The ski trip turns out to be a stay at a friend’s beach house where he spends his time writing his film script with his latest temporary love interest.
The children try to bond with their father but he seems indifferent and shows more empathy towards his new dog Tenco much to the disappointment of his eldest son Seb. There are many lessons that have been learnt and realisations by all members of the family during the stay at the beach house which gives false hope to Alma who often has her own fantasised version of events.
If Only has moments of raw reality, funny family interactions, first loves and serious issues that shed light on divorce. Family life isn’t perfect and If Only tells that story through the eyes of the children and “if only” things were different or “if only” parents stayed or “if only” they got back together.
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