Gemini Man is the story of Henry Brogan (played by Will Smith), a special government agent who is the best of the best that desperately wants to retire after suffering from PTSD from his long service, but the US government knowing he is the best at what he does will go to ever measure possible to make sure he stays out of retirement.
After his last mission, he soon finds out that the government has set him up to kill someone that shouldn’t have been killed, so he finds solace by getting as far away as possible, but is soon found.
He is followed and escapes being killed many times, but he runs into someone very familiar… almost ‘too’ familiar. And this person knows his every move, thought and action. How can you escape from someone that knows you so well? How can you escape from yourself?… Well this is the story of Gemini Man.
Absolutely incredible special effects that you will truly need to see to believe and great action, but a story that lacks real depth.
This is a movie that I would feel happy watching on Netflix, but maybe give it a pass at the cinema.
Review by Michael Melino
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