Catch the adventure comedy hit this coming Boxing Day! Jumanji is a remake of the 1990’s Robin Williams smash hit and stars Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart and Karen Gillan. The film tells the story of 4 high school misfits who end up getting dragged into detention, each for the wrong reasons. What the misfits didn’t plan was, stumbling across an old game console in their detention class and powering it up. Without giving away too much, the 4 teens are miraculously transported to a tropical Island Jumanji and are adults now in the game! To survive the game they must work as a team and stumble through some comical life lessons to succeed. Can “The Rock” and co escape, or will they spend eternity in Jumnaji?
Get out and catch the movie from this Boxing Day in a cinema near you. Jumanji has killer sound effects and is loaded with comical one liners, it’s an action adventure from start to finish! Do yourself a favor, its money well spent and an entertaining movie that’s sure to be a summer hit. Jumanji time to play the Game!
Words by Cosi Dichera
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