“Following up from the popular first movie was a big challenge.
To set up the scene for the sequel, we are taken back to the childhood of Anna and Elsa. It’s bedtime and their father, the king, persuades the girls into bed with the promise of a bedtime story. What unfolds is the story of a childhood memory.
Flash forward to life in Eryndale. The town has settled down into a routine and Anna is happy with the simplicity of Eryndale life. Elsa struggles with her role as the queen, no use for her icy superpowers nor knowing what her true purpose is.
It is at this point that a voice begins to sing out to Elsa. Initially she resists acknowledging the voice, until it becomes so enticing that she replies unleashing the four elements, earth, wind, fire and water upon Eryndale. These elements disrupt the town and the four go on a quest to Northuldra, the enchanted forest of her their fathers story to search for the origin of the voice.
As they discover Northuldra, they find it surrounded by a thick fog. The fog allows them to pass through it and here they encounter the Northuldrians, the native people of the forest. During their stay, Elsa and Anna come to learn more about their heritage, the meaning behind their fathers tale and new characters are introduced.
As the story develops, the group is separated. Elsa begins her journey to discover the origin of the voice that beckons her, whilst Anna struggles to be by her sisters side. Kristoff has his sights set on a marriage proposal but it’s continuously disrupted.
During their separation, all have their challenges to face; Elsa and her true calling, Anna and her journey through with loss, courage and finding her own identity without her sister while Kristoff struggles being the third wheel. This of course, is all dramatized through the power ballad.
As Elsa battles the elements she discovers her true purpose and the truth behind her fathers song. Anna’s strength and identity are realized despite not having actual super powers.
Pushing through loss and grief, sacrifice and righting wrongs of the past are the biggest themes of this movie.
Favorite parts include Elsa and her water stallion fearlessly galloping across the Black Sea, saving Eryndale and Kristoff’s power ballad that somehow morphs the music video style of the early 80s with 2019 animation?
Overall, the kids in the theatre were laughing over Olafs antics (he does a hysterical recap of the first movie). My daughter was enamored with the wide eyed fire lizard and although I desperately wanted to love the music, for me, it just didn’t match the hits from the first movie. My rating for the movie is a 6.5/10.
All in all, a very entertaining follow up sequel, with some strong key themes and light hearted fun that the kids will enjoy. “
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