Mustard is a one woman show performed and written by Eva O’Connor, which focuses on heartbreak, love, loneliness and the feeling of wanting acceptance.
Eva play E, an extremely passionate, intense individual who falls in love with a professional cyclist at a night club. The story follows the relationship from E’s perspective and how her life becomes unhinged when the relationship (which seem doomed from the beginning) breaks down.
The most interesting element to this production is the interpretation of the mustard. It could be a metaphor of heartbreak or loss or it could be a tangable item, it speaks to the eyes of the beholder.
The photo of the show isnt far fetched.
Eva’s adaptation of E in Mustard is captivating and the audience could feel her emotions and vulnerability through her stage presence.
This show has already won a number of awards in 2019 and will no question be knocking the doors down this Fringe season with 34 performances from Feb 14th until March 19th at Holden Street Theatre.
4.5 Stars
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